“When is too much, too much?”
There are now more than 11,000 technology products available to Marketers [CMSWIRE 2024]. With such an abundance of marketing tools, Marketers should have fewer problems right? But that’s not always the case. Many B2B Marketers say a lot is expected of new technologies, but often they are underwhelmed.
Before we jump to the conclusion that technology is at fault, that’s not the case. Firstly, there is the over-reliance on tech by Marketers. Every problem looks like a nail if you use a hammer every time. Secondly, the skill of the person wielding the hammer is important (and marketing is a chronically under-invested skill area). As is the environment. Is the nail held upright? Not by two fingers…
And finally, there is the issue of how the audience will receive yet another tech-enabled approach. In my world, working with senior executives, 84% say they want to be treated like a human, not a number. Tech builds scale, and ease for the Marketer. But it rarely builds authenticity and engagement.
If you’re eyeing up one of these marketing technologies, consider your target audience and not just the benefits to you (ease, scale, insights, etc.). Much like fields in a sign-up form, the more you add in, the less you get back.